Tevora and Massive Labs do Security Awareness for Kids

Tevora announced today that they will be collaborating with Massive Labs deliver “Security Awareness for Kids” at the recreation centers in North Hollywood, Glassell Park, and Venice Beach in March, 2013. The event will be hosted by non-profit organization ‘Eagle Rock Yacht Club’ (ERYC). ERYC is based in Los Angeles where they help fund and raise money for inner city youth through community sports and outreach programs.
Tevora’s security training lessons will include but are not limited to:
- – Social Media Do’s and Dont’s
- – Internet Awareness
- – Caution when Downloading
- – How to respond to cyber bullying
About The Project Collaborators
About Tevora:
Tevora is an enterprise consulting firm specializing in information assurance, governance and compliance services and solutions. We work with some of the world’s leading companies, institutions and governments to ensure the safety of their information and their compliance with applicable regulations. With a distinctive combination of proven products and services, Tevora aids enterprises in protecting their most important assets from external and internal threats. To learn more please visit: www.tevora.com
About Massive Labs:
The Massive Labs mission is to be a leader and continually deliver advanced expertise in information security and to help protect our customers’ from malicious attacks. To achieve this goal we scout the top talent from the security community, use standardized methodologies, be innovative, and creative. We seek out and identify new and emerging threats in our research facility and provide knowledge to the community. To learn more please visit: www.massivelabs.com
About Eagle Rock Yacht Club:
The Yacht Club is committed to helping create positive growth for at-risk youth and young adults through the game of dodgeball, workshops and mentorships. We work with local parks and their staff to help reinvigorate recreation centers in Los Angeles while encouraging young, socially minded peers to join our efforts in creating strong communities around the United States. To learn more please visit: www.theyachtclub.org